Tianna Tashelle

We Have a Problem.

Domestic Violence is a community problem and a global pandemic. Here at home, 1 in 4 women are victims of Domestic Violence, and 1 and 9 men are too. We struggle to put an end to this violence because it often happens in the privacy of our own homes, away from the eyes of others. We then carry our secret with us when we leave those four walls, often ashamed, embarrassed, or simply too damn afraid to speak up.

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It’s Time To Speak Up.

I know, this is a big ask. Especially if you’re not yet safe, or still susceptible to backlash. But it’s so important. It’s not about naming our abusers, it’s about setting fire to the stigma that often clings to victims and survivors. Speaking up slashes through the stereotypes about who can be victimized, and who does the abusing. But most importantly, it helps us find each other- because support is what we need right now.


You’re Safe Here.

I was terrified the day I left my abusive marriage. TERRIFIED. My terror was tied to a couple things 1) I knew there wasn’t much waiting for me on the other side. The future was unknown- I didn't know what that level of disruption would do to me physically, emotionally, and mentally and how it would effect my performance on the track which was the only way I could make money. 2) I did not want people to know at first, because I was embarrassed that me as a so-called “strong woman” had been a victim. So many people believed in my strength and power that I didn’t think I would be believed. 3) I knew that every time and anytime I’d open my mouth I was opening myself up to backlash.

Don’t get me wrong. Those are valid reasons to want to remain silent, and to protect yourself. But in this case, silence for me represented betrayal and complicity. I had to remind myself daily that I had already survived the hardest thing (living with that sort of man everyday for five years). So the harassment, the lawsuits, the smear campaigns, and all the things that have come from me sharing my story are nothing compared to that.

And as it goes when we share our stories people reach out to us and share their own. That’s how I know we need each other. But that we need a safe space to show and give each other that support.

That’s why I’ve created a new private, safe, community called V2V.

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What is V2V?

V2V is an acronym that stands for Victim 2 Victor and is an organization founded by me, Tianna Madison. The logo featured above is made up of two letter V’s and the purple ribbon used to represent domestic violence. Together these images create a crown because as we move from victim to victor we need a constant reminder of our inherent worth. Moving from Victim to Victor is the ultimate “fix your crown” journey.



The one thing that was missing for me was a support group to lean on. For this reason it was extremely important to me to create this space. V2V is also a free app for domestic violence victims and survivors. To protect this space and our members this app is private, and registration has to be manually approved by myself or my team.


What’s In The App

  • A private community of victims and survivors who are actively working toward recovery.

  • One-click, one stop access to resources needed to get out, or help you get back on your feet.

  • Access to exclusive online and in-person events and live Group Calls.

  • Start where you are. You have the option to tell us where you are in your V2V journey

    • IN IT (INIT) is for those of us who can’t leave or aren’t yet ready to leave but are aware they are in an abusive situation and are doing what they need to do to survive.

    • PREPARING TO LEAVE (P2L) this level is for those of us planning our getaway or escape. Gathering resources and support are especially critical as this is the MOST dangerous time for victims.

    • OUT & RECOVERING (O&R) this level is for those of us who got out, but are still dealing with the fallout, and are actively trying to get back on our feet.

    • OUT & THRIVING (O&T) this level is for those of us who have survived and are currently living our best lives and are ready, willing, and able to support others in doing the same.

  • V2V VIPs- a group within the group. These are members of V2V who are enrolled in the V2V Self Empowerment Program (more on the course below).

Who can join the community?

This community is for women. Although we are aware that 1 in 9 men are victims too, our focus is on women.

We don’t compare abuse, we’re not in competition with each other. So any woman who has been abused in any way (including sexual assault) by anyone (coach, parent, same sex partner, etc) are welcome.

We review registrations manually. Our V2V moderators are monitoring all posts and activity for misconduct and abuse. Violators are removed and banned from the group.



I learned the hard way that no one can save you but yourself. And that means your future depends on you. Depending on where you are in your journey that may be frightening or encouraging. I created the V2V self empowerment program based on what it took for me to get back on my feet after surviving five years of hell and suddenly finding myself out on my own.

This program tackles the three components required to move from Victim to Victor.

  • Self Reflection: this section of the course focuses on reintroducing yourself to yourself.

  • Self Inventory: this section of the course requires an honest look at where you are and clarity about where you want to go.

  • Self Made: this section of the course lays out your next action steps to start rebuilding your life.


Just to be as upfront as possible here all the webinars and the V2V app are FREE! We want there to be as few barriers as possible to your recovery.

However, the Self Empowerment Program is a step beyond and there is an enrollment fee. It is NOT exclusive to V2V members. Meaning anyone can enroll male or female, work through the steps and change their lives at their own pace.

We use the proceeds of this program to help fund the app, the resources available to you within the APP, and to cover the expenses of running value-packed webinars with expert guests at no charge to you.



I am committed to doing my part in word and in deed to provide support to victims and survivors. That means finding a way to get those resources directly from our hands to yours. Here are a few of the resources you’ll find behind the safety wall of our V2V app:

  • GO Bag Checklist (a list of what you need to have at the ready for yourself and your children)

  • The Safe Haven Program (we’ll get you to a safe place for two nights (travel and accommodations) while you plan your next steps)

  • Gift Card Distribution Program (ask for a Visa/Mastercard Gift card to use when it’s not safe to use your own credit/debit cards)

  • New Phone Program (new phone, new number, important if you’re on the run- or to ensure zero-contact after leaving)



Listen, I know it’s seems cliche. But as a survivor of domestic abuse it’s important to understand that self care is the best care. Maybe, you’re not yet in the place where you can give yourself permission to take a time out and care for yourself. You have our permission. And you’ll have opportunities to participate in group self-care activities. Like:

  • VIP DAYS IN THE BAY (spend a day with Tianna and fellow V2V members swapping stories, getting uplifted, pampered, and waited on. You earned it. You deserve it. And you’re damn sure worth it.



Yep. We’re going places. Join us on an annual Girl’s Trip. Only members in our community will be eligible for these yearly excursions. Each trip will feature individual and group photo shoots. We’ll also never give up the location of our trip or where we’re staying publicly until our trip is over and we’ve returned home. Part vacation and part retreat, we’ll all leave feeling refreshed, and refocused on creating and living the life of our dreams.

Get Your Passport.

What’s Next?

 Here are a few steps you can take to support or join our community.

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Sign Up Below To Pre-Register for the V2V App

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Support us with your donation

One of V2V’s missions is to actually put resources in the hands of its community members when they need it.

We are accepting cash and in-kind donations.

Here’s what we need:

  • Visa/Mastercard Giftcards

  • Target/Walmart Giftcards

  • Cell Phones (recycled, refurbished, or prepaid)

  • Safe Haven Funds

    • Travel (train, bus, airfare, uber/lyft)

    • Hotel/Airbnb/VRBO Accommodations (2 nights)

  • Zippered Medium Sized Duffle Bags

**V2V’s Not-For-Profit Registration and 501(c)3 status is pending.

In-Kind Donations Can Be Sent To:

V2V Life Donations

c/o Tianna Madison

2342 Shattuck Ave


Berkeley, CA 94704

Cash Donations Can Be Made Here:

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